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Kids and family events

May 8

Family Storytime

May 8
Wed May 8
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Thư viện Rockwood

Children from birth to age 6 (with a favorite adult) enjoy books, songs, rhymes and movement activities while building language and literacy skills.

May 8

Tiny Tots

May 8
Wed May 8
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Thư viện Sellwood-Moreland

One-year-olds (with a favorite adult) enjoy songs, movement activities, rhymes, books and playtime. This action-packed program engages new walkers in language-based activities.

May 8


May 8
Wed May 8
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Thư viện Woodstock

大家一齐來阅读有趣的书籍, 唱歌和童谣....! 在家長陪同下,欢迎六岁以下儿童参加粵/英双语讲故事时间。

Join us for a live storytime with fun books, songs, rhymes, and more!

May 8

Book Babies

May 8
Wed May 8
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Thư viện Capitol Hill

Babies from birth to 12 months (with a favorite adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes, and playtime, with bonus socialization for babies and the adults.